Saturday, January 31, 2009

Monday, January 26, 2009


:o) know what comes next. Florida was beautiful, and warm, and basically heaven. Now, I reaally reaally want to go back. *sigh*

Pictures are soon to come!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

I'm off

And more then ready to get away from the 8 degrees weather it currently is...and go to the 42 degrees it is in FL (Okay, that's not THAT warm, but it's a heck of a lot better then what it is here.)

BYE! :)

Saturday, January 17, 2009

To-do before...


At voice lessons on Thurs. Blase (my oldest theatre friend, JSYK for future reference) said at one point in the last week it was colder here then IN THE NORTH POLE. And then we see Florida, which in Orlando at this moment is at 50 degrees and should reach 60 at some point. Be jealous. ;p

I really should be doing laundry and packing but I'm not. I'm here with you...anyways. Here's what needs to get done before we leave tomorrow morning:

-Finish laundry.

-Pack the following: Clothes, make-up/hair stuff, hygienic stuff and of course, stuff to do in the car.

-Paint my toenails a pretty, beach-y color. Not red dotted with green like it is now, lol.

-Charge my camera and Ipod.


Okay so it's not THAT much but I like writing it down makes me more excited. XD

I'm off to finish said list!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Mixed Post

So...I was excited last night, because today I was supposed to go to the museum and study genetics with my homeschool biology class..but it was snowing pretty hard so it was cancelled. *sigh* I was pretty pumped to go, but I did since Mom knew I was disappointed she took me to Geneva Commons so I could use my money I got from taking care of the neighbor's cat, Schwartzkopf, to get some things. I got an Ipod charger that plugs into the cigarette thingamajig in the car (this will be a Godsend--Ipods lose battery really easily, one of the [few] downfalls of Ipods, and with the 20-hour in 2 days car trip to Florida on Saturday...yeah), some peanut butter fudge from Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory (YUMMMM), and the Jekyll and Hyde soundtrack. FINALLY! The soundtrack is amazing and of course, I got the recording with Anthony absolute favorite singer/broadway star EVER. So yeah, I'm pretty happy!

On another note, I'm so so SO excited for our trip to Florida this Saturday. It'll be great to see G&G since a year ago and lest we's been, on average, -5 degrees around Chicago lately. URGGGHHH!!!!!

So yeah...I have alot of laundry and packing to do before then. I'd better get started soon, since I have voice lessons tomorrow with a really good family/theatre friend (YAYAYAYAYAY!!!!) and a babysitting job on Fri. night (again, YAY!!!).

On yet another note, American Idol premiered last night and yes, it was amazing. I the show (for obvious reasons...singing is my life) and I really like the new judge, she's cool!

I'm always thinking of kids my age who are loaded with 3+ hours of homework every night on top of 7 hours of school and here I am, getting to stay at home in my PJs doing schoolwork on the couch. Plus, no homework... :oP Life is good..I love it! XD

Monday, January 12, 2009

Golden Globes

Last night we watched the awards. Even though they're kind of boring after a while, I was really really happy with a few winnings, especially Heath Ledger's. But it made me feel, like, really sad when I saw the faces on his fellow actor and actress' faces. It was so obvious they weren't Christians just by how unhappy they looked. Not really sad or melancholy, just plain unhappy. *sigh*

Which leads me to a quick vent. Why..oh why can't the media leave these poor celebrities alone?!?! Though I must confess I found a few of the celeb's outfits hideous, some actually were beautiful..the media just nit-picked them so closely and put their looks down. I feel bad for all of them, oh I hate it. *sigh*

Saturday, January 10, 2009

CTE Gala 2009

WOW! What an amazing party/ball (something in between). What it is exactly is a gathering (???) of CTE/FVTC folk with food and a bar, in a ballroom, all dressed up and formal. If you sign up ahead of time, you can perform in the show. I didn't unfortunately, but not only did my some of my friends, some FVTC alumni performed as well. It turned out to be a great show...and when it was over the fun REALLY BEGAN! But first you must endure these pictures:

Getting ready for the ball! (I couldn't resist acting like a Disney princess ;p)
I love, love, LOVE this ballgown (as I called it).

The dance floor! That's what I'm talking about when I say the fun really began. It was AMAZING how much fun we had. I think we all got caught up in the moment and I have a feeling we're all going to be a little embarassed at the *ahem* flamboyant dance moves we did once the slap-happiness of party wears off. LOL :o)

LOL Kattie. "Say cheese!" :p

Best friends :o)

I couldn't resist posting this picture of Adam and Tati. I just LOVE them SO much. :o)

I thought this was interesting LOL :o)

Sadly, they're contacts-not his real color. *sniff*

Okay, this is Max, and he's my (one of many) favorite. Isn't this collage below nifty?? LOL :o)

Anyways, obviously I had the most amazing time and being around some of my folks again has made me really, really hungry for some Pinocchio ;p

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Just an update...

Suddenly I realized today, as personal as this blog is and as much as I say about ME, I've never much mentioned anyone else besides family, and Katarina and Grace. I'm thinking that should change. Anyways, this is Adam, and he's adorable. Not in that way of course. Poor guy, he's most likely about to go crazy with me constantly pinching his cheeks. Well I can't help it okay?!?! Gosh.

Anyways his family threw him a surprise party so I brought my ensues.

Current favorite picture...I adore it.

Okay; you know something is wrong when you're jealous of a 9-year-old...take a look. (Anna remember how cute you said she was?) This is my Kiki and no she's not wearing any make-up. Like I said, I'm jealous.
They're cute.

I smacked myself later for not getting a picture of him in close-up with his t-shirt that I got him. This was the best I got. It (the shirt) was pretty had the lyrics of "Little People" on it from Les Mis (cause he was Gavroche). Les Mis fans...isn't that AMAZING? I had to hand it to myself. XD

Wedding reception memories...yeah, I made Adam take that shirt off for this:

Why does Blogger do this to me?? I wanted to put me and Tati up by me and Kiki but nooooo that's not how Blogger likes to work. Grrrr...anyways, isn't she pretty? (BTW, these girls are Adam's cousins)

Enough theatre freaks. I'm watching "Schwartzkopf", my neighbor's cat, while they're on vacation. Isn't he sooo cute? He's shy but such a sweetie cat:

Tuna *licks lips*

So, yeah, as you can tell I don't have the most interesting life at the moment...but that'll all change in about a month or so. Firstly, Pinocchio starts (yayyyy!!!), plus my birthday, then it gets warm (hallejuah), then summer and more amazing things will take place that can wait to be told for now. I'm off to go watch the rest of Dark Knight for about...what is it, the seventh or eighth time since we got it for Christmas? ;p

Monday, January 5, 2009

Even though it's been 5 days...

Yeah. I still wanted to do this survey. It actually asks meaningful questions... :

1. What did you do in 2008 that you’d never done before?
Gotten my first real crush. And I mean REAL crush.

2. Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
I don't really remember them except for one, which I did keep! And I'm proud :)

3. Did anyone close to you give birth?

4. Did anyone close to you die?
Thankfully no!

5. What countries did you visit?

6. What would you like to have in 2009 that you lacked in 2008?
More patience and less laziness

7. What dates from 2008 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
August 14th-the day of my car accident-I almost died! Yeesh!

8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
I had lots. Getting into my plays, for instance.

9. What was your biggest failure?
Losing a friend and not being thoughtful enough to fix it. *sigh*

10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
Yes remember the car accident?

11. What was the best thing you bought?
Maria (my Ipod)

12. Where did most of your money go?
Maria, my camera (of which I haven't named yet...what do you think of Norman? I kinda like it) and my Six Flags pass. *imadork*

13. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
Oh goodness...finding out we were doing Les Mis. Probably the most excited I've been...EVER!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Be back tomorrow

Going to my friend Adam's surprise party and then to my friend Rachel's house to spend the night. So, I'll have many photos to share come tomorrow...byes! :o)

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Brookfield Zoo

Wow! Even though it was the kind of biting cold that makes your nose numb in 60 seconds, we still had alot of fun. Please, please, please overlook the awful quality of the pics. My camera doesn't do so well in sparse light, and lots of the exhibits wouldn't let you take pictures with flash which is of course understandable. But anyway, here you are!
This guy made me laugh. He just stood there like this while I took his picture!

The lighting was beautiful.

See that furry thing in the tree? That's a sloth!
This little furry shrew/squirrel type thing is soooo cute!

Another shrew squirrel thing.
This orangatang (however you spell that) is so funny looking! He just slept while everyone looked at him.
LOL, this gorilla kept taking straw and stuffing it under his butt to make a cushion :P Even funnier, one of the gorillas got put out and threw a handful of straw right at another! LOL it was worth the admission price just to see that!!!
Snakes! (My mom LOVES these! Um....kidding!)

Me by a froggie
And a sea turtle
That little gray ball curled up there, that's a chinchilla :)

I thought these were fun :)
An aldergator! (Calling all Jon and Kate plus 8 fans!)

More fishie-foos.
This grasshopper was ENORMOUS! Fascinating and horrifying....
The lighting is embarassingly bad but that's an owl right there, so precious!
One of my favorites...this little otter, it seemed, was putting on a show for us! I have a video and if I can figure out how to upload it it's pretty awesome!

Apparently these are from Illinois. *shudder* I'd hate to come across one of those swimming.
The Pachyderm House! The smelliest but most photogenic of them all!
This cheetah was walking around outside the Fragile Kingdom (Desert). This was taken with no zoom, pretty cool!

More otters! I love them!

Lastly, this bobcat of some sort...I thought it was interesting how his eyes glowed like that.
Anyways...let all of 2008 be turned into memories, learned lessons or forgotten and left in the past...and let 2009 be better then ever! :o)