Sunday, March 30, 2008

Puppies and Parties

Yesterday and the day before I was working hard on getting my birthday party invitations made. And, the dogs got beautiful haircuts! But, Blogger is being weird so, I have no pictures. :o(

Luckily though it looks as though we're getting a few outdoor cats from the pound this year! :oD
I'm in charge of naming them (YAY!) and I was originally going to do Eponine, Cosette, Enjolras and Marius (from Les Miserables) but I think I'll keep those names where they belong--to the characters. I guess I'm not a huge fan of naming pets after others.

1 comment:

Anna said...

Cats.. gross! As long as they stay outside, I guess they are ok. What's the point of having them, then?? Lol. I hope you have a great week, Emma!