Wednesday, December 31, 2008

31 Days of Joy

1. Christmas! It was beautiful. I got a karaoke machine, the Urinetown soundtrack, books and other good stuff :)
2. My old friend Rachel's birthday party - we saw "Yes Man" and though it was a little bad at parts it made me laugh and entertained me so that's all that really matters!!!
3. My Aunt Lisa and cousin Isabela (who is exactly my age) came for Christmas! I hadn't seen them for a year and four months!!! We had an awesome time together :)
4. On Monday Izzy and I went shopping at Woodfield, it was amazing, though I must confess that mall is so HUGE (we're talking the main mall of Chicago here, folks) I was a tad bit overwhelmed, but I got some prettiness and ate crap food so it was a good time :)
5. Making valentines for the troops at 4-H. I really feels good and I am really so grateful for their service. :)
6. Yesterday was just a lazy day, until we took Evan to the airport, then I had a fun time pretending I was going somewhere :)
7. Today to celebrate New Year's Mum and Daddy took me to Brookfield! Despite it being freezing cold, I had a reeaaally amazing time seeing the exhibits.

Well....I have pictures and some last words for 2008. It's been quite the year...recounting all that happened deserves a post all to itself...back in a minute!

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