Tuesday, October 28, 2008


I hate people. They attack your opinion, and when you get angry at them for doing so, you'd better watch out. My, oh my...

But I can never stay upset for long, nope, optimism is not supportive of that ;o)

I wanted to share some videos Kattie and I have been working on. We call it "CATS Les Mis." I think we're going to re-do it, though, and make a real mini-theater. Sounds exciting, does it not? And we'll do other songs and musicals besides Les Mis. It should be really fun.

Anyway, just for laughs:

Who am I? I'm CHIP!!!! ;o)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Whoa!!! i love your blog and i love how you are so tight with God!!! Keep rockin it Emma!!! hope you make it to the big stage!
(p.s. Check out my blog sometime!)