Thursday, August 7, 2008


It's been a LONG time! I guess when I got back blogging just slipped my mind!

Anyway, vacation was divine, this year was wonderful-extremely few mosquiotoes and the weather was gorgeous. I was worried about the whole RLS and the 12-hour car ride combination, but it wasn't too bad and the trip to and back actually seemed shorter then in past years (guess it's what happens as you get older).

Now what you've all been waiting for... :drumroll please: Pictures!!!!!!!!!!

It is a long trip (Laura's photo.)

Willie LOVED riding on the boat :o) The cabin.

Grandpa Bill enjoying the divine view and a good book :ahhh:
Yes those are bats up there! No I didn't get this close, I used zoom :oP

Alright. I'm sorry. Blogger is being urgh, I'm putting the rest of the photos in another post.

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