Friday, May 30, 2008
My Story, as it appears on WordPad:
I CAN'T THINK OF A FRICKEN BEGINNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, May 26, 2008
Memorial Day
I had a GREAT day yesterday! It started out not too well, though-I woke up at 3 a.m. and kept thinking of the scary parts in Prince Caspian (I saw it last night - it was good, kind of depressing in a certain way, but still good) and the Orcs and Uruk-Hai in LOTR (I know, I know, I'm a wimp =P) and then I had to get up early to take a shower (I hate showers. I don't know why. But I hate them). But then me, Mom, Dad and Evan (Laura is at a retreat for youth group) went to the Memorial Day parade, where we honored those who have fought bravely for us:
The Marines themselves.
The Geneva High School marching band. They played some nice patriotic songs for us all.

Then we walked down to where a ceremony was being held. They had a prayer (I am so glad they are able to do that here) and talked of local veterans, then the band played more songs and we left on account of the heat (YAY!!!). We walked around I just LOVE downtown Geneva. Fortunately, we found a "new" candy store that was actually a bigger version of the old one that I thought had closed down. We had gone there so much the shopkeeper actually recognized us!!!! We got some ice cream and candy, then Mom and Dad had to get a bathtub for Laura and I since ours broke (???) at Lowe's while Evan and I went to Meijer to pass time. For dinner we had homemade fried chicken along with coleslaw and baked beans. It was such a great day!
The ceremony was at a cemetery, and though I don't know these people, I love the picture:
I was thrilled to find two friends in separate window wells:
Meet Peregrin and Meriadoc!!! :oP

I'm just so thrilled the toads are back. To me, they truly epitomize summer and it would never feel quite the same without them. I let them go in the backyard and they were so happy =P
Silly little Meriadoc kept sliding back trying to climb out. See evidence here:
Hehehe :o) Have a great week all!!!

Then we walked down to where a ceremony was being held. They had a prayer (I am so glad they are able to do that here) and talked of local veterans, then the band played more songs and we left on account of the heat (YAY!!!). We walked around I just LOVE downtown Geneva. Fortunately, we found a "new" candy store that was actually a bigger version of the old one that I thought had closed down. We had gone there so much the shopkeeper actually recognized us!!!! We got some ice cream and candy, then Mom and Dad had to get a bathtub for Laura and I since ours broke (???) at Lowe's while Evan and I went to Meijer to pass time. For dinner we had homemade fried chicken along with coleslaw and baked beans. It was such a great day!
The ceremony was at a cemetery, and though I don't know these people, I love the picture:

I was thrilled to find two friends in separate window wells:

I'm just so thrilled the toads are back. To me, they truly epitomize summer and it would never feel quite the same without them. I let them go in the backyard and they were so happy =P
Silly little Meriadoc kept sliding back trying to climb out. See evidence here:
Hehehe :o) Have a great week all!!!
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Birdie Love
Friday, May 23, 2008
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
I am SO happy at the winner of American Idol:
GO David Cook - I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!
I recommend watching these videos if you haven't seen this amazing guy already:
His audition, So happy together, and Music of the night
(I. drooled. Favorite contestant singing a SHOWTUNE, you can't blame me, can you?!?! :oP Actually I usually don't like normal singers, you know like pop and rock, singing broadway but I made an exception for David!!)
Anyway, I bear the great news that I can indeed try out for Les Miz. Of which I am thrilled about and this was cherry on top of the ice cream ;o)

I recommend watching these videos if you haven't seen this amazing guy already:
His audition, So happy together, and Music of the night
(I. drooled. Favorite contestant singing a SHOWTUNE, you can't blame me, can you?!?! :oP Actually I usually don't like normal singers, you know like pop and rock, singing broadway but I made an exception for David!!)
Anyway, I bear the great news that I can indeed try out for Les Miz. Of which I am thrilled about and this was cherry on top of the ice cream ;o)
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Over already?
So, CTE, my theatre, announced this season's shows. And next spring I will be taking my leave, with Pinnochio. I'll be a freshmen, and I'll be graduating.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Miss Ep

Eponine is doing well. We are sure she's a girl as her cere is turning brown (it's also flaky, which is another sign she's a female.). She hasn't been showing any signs of coming out of her cage. Until now. She keeps going in and out. Wait! She just came out and was flying around!
Well this is weird....
Anyway, she seems pretty friendly and sweet. Just the day before yesterday she began letting me hold her on my finger whenever I want to. Which is a relief as I was getting pretty frustrated with her. However Ep is SPAZZY! Meaning, she is one scared little bird! Whenever I put my hand on her cage, whenever I even come into the room, she starts jumping around her cage. Poor baby. She's probably not quite used to her surroundings yet but she's getting there.
Eponine absolutely ADORES Scooter. They chirp back and forth (loudly!!!) all day. It is so so sweet! Whenever they are by each other (whenever I can get Ep out of her cage) they do this thing where they lick each other's beaks. Um, okay then...just so long as they're not mating....LOL!!! :o)
Well Laura's graduation party starts in an hour. Have a good weekend all :o)
Friday, May 16, 2008
So what's been going on around here?
Tomorrow is sister Laura's graduation. My grandparents are coming any minute.
I just gave Eponine her first bath-she was not happy with me and I have battle scars to prove it. :oP
She keeps fluffing herself and I hope she isn't too cold. Oh well, Scooter takes baths alot and never gets too cold as to die or anything. (Well, duh)
Um so Laura has aLOT of work to do as Mama isn't helping her. So I am as a graduation gift to her.
So the bad news here is, it looks as though Les Miserables' rights do not allow....anyone. Under 15. To be in the show. I know.
I KNOW!!! NOOooOO!!!!
I've been in tears twice since I heard, which was at 8 p.m. I am so sad!
Oh well! Pollyanna will prevail! I'll see the show 5+ times. Plus also lots of other people are disappointed at not being able to be in it since the ages are 15-18 (which quite frankly sucks!)
But I hate this! Okay okay, Emma! Enough ranting.
Grandparents should be here and I am going out to wait for them!
I just gave Eponine her first bath-she was not happy with me and I have battle scars to prove it. :oP
She keeps fluffing herself and I hope she isn't too cold. Oh well, Scooter takes baths alot and never gets too cold as to die or anything. (Well, duh)
Um so Laura has aLOT of work to do as Mama isn't helping her. So I am as a graduation gift to her.
So the bad news here is, it looks as though Les Miserables' rights do not allow....anyone. Under 15. To be in the show. I know.
I KNOW!!! NOOooOO!!!!
I've been in tears twice since I heard, which was at 8 p.m. I am so sad!
Oh well! Pollyanna will prevail! I'll see the show 5+ times. Plus also lots of other people are disappointed at not being able to be in it since the ages are 15-18 (which quite frankly sucks!)
But I hate this! Okay okay, Emma! Enough ranting.
Grandparents should be here and I am going out to wait for them!
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
It's been a while......
since I last updated. So, what better time for an update then...the hour of right now!!!
Ever since I found FVTC was doing Les Miserables this fall (okay, that whole linky thingy was kind of hard and I, being myself, just yelled at the computer) I have been putting myself through anxiety attacks based on me not getting in, people not doing well and the show being a disaster, etc. etc. etc. and that is not fun. I think the main point of my anxiety is the fact I did not a solo or duet in Mega-hits.
Um, so, summer is upon us....and I am off to bike-ride because me, being myself (again), could not come up with a single interesting thing happening lately. Oh, wait! I am seeing Wicked again in August..!!! YayyYYY!!!iiii!!!!
Um, so, summer is upon us....and I am off to bike-ride because me, being myself (again), could not come up with a single interesting thing happening lately. Oh, wait! I am seeing Wicked again in August..!!! YayyYYY!!!iiii!!!!
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Morals in "Les Miserables"
A long week, less schoolwork to do and getting your feelings hurt by a "friend" all contribute to deeper, more complex thinking. What with me trying out for the show next month I thought alot about the individual characters and the show as a whole, and the lessons taught in it.
For instance....
Jean Valjean is a convict sentenced to jail for stealing a loaf of bread. He stole it because his sister's son was near death; he broke a windowpane and grabbed the loaf from the windowsill. Understandable motive, no? I suppose; furthermore, Valjean's decisions many times benefit a certain party but not another. Such as, during the French Revolution Javert disguises himself and almost leads the rebels into a decision that will, most likely, lead them to their death. But he is found out and Valjean asks that he take care of Javert. Instead of killing Javert, which would most definitely benefit the rebels, he lets him go in order to spare Javert--and honor God.
We meet again.
You've hungered for this all your life;
Take your revenge!
How right you should kill with a knife!
(Valjean cuts the ropes which bind Javert.)
You talk too much,
Your life is safe in my hands.
Don't understand
Get out of here.
Valjean, take care!
I'm warning you...
Clear out of here.
Once a thief, forever a thief
What you want you always steal!
You would trade your life for mine.
Yes, Valjean, you want a deal!
Shoot me now for all I care!
If you let me go, beware,
You'll still answer to Javert!
You are wrong, and always have been wrong.
I'm a man, no worse than any man.
You are free, and there are no conditions,
No bargains or petitions.
There's nothing that I blame you for
You've done your duty, nothing more.
If I come out of this alive, you'll find me
At number fifty-five Rue Plumet
No doubt our paths will cross again. "
Which led me to Javert....Javert is a man who believes that once you are the path of good or evil you cannot stray away towards the other. He doesn't believe in redemption nor forgiveness.
" He knows his way in the dark
Mine is the way of the Lord
And those who follow the path of the righteous
Shall have their reward
And if they fall
As Lucifer fell
The flame
The sword!"
For instance....
Jean Valjean is a convict sentenced to jail for stealing a loaf of bread. He stole it because his sister's son was near death; he broke a windowpane and grabbed the loaf from the windowsill. Understandable motive, no? I suppose; furthermore, Valjean's decisions many times benefit a certain party but not another. Such as, during the French Revolution Javert disguises himself and almost leads the rebels into a decision that will, most likely, lead them to their death. But he is found out and Valjean asks that he take care of Javert. Instead of killing Javert, which would most definitely benefit the rebels, he lets him go in order to spare Javert--and honor God.
We meet again.
You've hungered for this all your life;
Take your revenge!
How right you should kill with a knife!
(Valjean cuts the ropes which bind Javert.)
You talk too much,
Your life is safe in my hands.
Don't understand
Get out of here.
Valjean, take care!
I'm warning you...
Clear out of here.
Once a thief, forever a thief
What you want you always steal!
You would trade your life for mine.
Yes, Valjean, you want a deal!
Shoot me now for all I care!
If you let me go, beware,
You'll still answer to Javert!
You are wrong, and always have been wrong.
I'm a man, no worse than any man.
You are free, and there are no conditions,
No bargains or petitions.
There's nothing that I blame you for
You've done your duty, nothing more.
If I come out of this alive, you'll find me
At number fifty-five Rue Plumet
No doubt our paths will cross again. "
Which led me to Javert....Javert is a man who believes that once you are the path of good or evil you cannot stray away towards the other. He doesn't believe in redemption nor forgiveness.
" He knows his way in the dark
Mine is the way of the Lord
And those who follow the path of the righteous
Shall have their reward
And if they fall
As Lucifer fell
The flame
The sword!"
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Now THAT...... enough to make me happy.
Which is vital as I'm VERY disappointed since it looks like I am not getting a song to sing during this show. I feel like it's unfair and I feel like I sing way better then those that did. Oh, that is an awful and vain thing to say, but right now it's true. *sigh*
P.S. I think I will sing "Think of me" from Phantom of the Opera for LM auditions but I am not sure. It is a good song for my voice, I can sing it well and the style of the song matches LM's for the most part; my only concern is that it is too popular and they will think I wasn't choosing a song for my voice. I don't know, I just don't know :oP enough to make me happy.
Which is vital as I'm VERY disappointed since it looks like I am not getting a song to sing during this show. I feel like it's unfair and I feel like I sing way better then those that did. Oh, that is an awful and vain thing to say, but right now it's true. *sigh*
P.S. I think I will sing "Think of me" from Phantom of the Opera for LM auditions but I am not sure. It is a good song for my voice, I can sing it well and the style of the song matches LM's for the most part; my only concern is that it is too popular and they will think I wasn't choosing a song for my voice. I don't know, I just don't know :oP
Monday, May 5, 2008
Just some random notes....
So I've just been relaxing, doing really nothing these past few days....which eggs on thinking about this and that and here is the result of that quiet pondering.
I wish you all a great week :o)
- Tonight is the first Mega-hits of the 60's rehearsal. Well, not exactly, it's actually a meeting. It is also my friend's 16th birthday, he is in the show so I can give him a Mickey shaped lollipop tonight and ask what it feels like to finally be "free" LOL! Yay! Happy Birthday Mark :-)
- Oh, so my Pastor's sermon was remarkable yesterday; as his sermons always are and I got quite a bit of knowledge from that one. Such as, you should aim yourself, your actions and your life in its entirety towards the Lord; and when you desire something, even if it is good, never let it overcome your desire for the Lord. Oh what valuable lessons I learn from simply going to church every Sunday and I couldn't get through the week if I didn't.
- I made out my dying wishes :oP Which sounds silly for a 14-year-old to do, but as I've learned from the blog Hannah and Lily (see left) life can be short and can end at any time.
- Mother's day is coming up...hmm. No money in my pocket naturally dah-ling, but I have to do something as though my Momma does things here and there that tip me off she's my Mum and the things she does for me!
- School is nearing to an end and I am ecstatic....but melancholy as I am nearing the end of my 9-year homeschooling run. NINE YEARS! And here I will be in a completely different environment with people I don't know!! I will miss my Mom of course...but I'm happy I can finally make new friends and be with people more on a day-to-day basis.
I wish you all a great week :o)
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Poor sweet doggie
I feel so bad for my sweet puppy today. :o(
Earlier I went outside to enjoy the beautiful (but humid) weather and rollerblade on my driveway. I didn't want either of the dogs to feel left out so I attached both of their collars to the same leash. BAD IDEA!!! I'm still not sure what drove me to do this. But I did....
The dogs seemed fine for awhile and I rollerbladed. Then suddenly (I don't know why!!!) Willie attacked Abby out of nowhere! He bit her and twisted her collar. Then he started pulling her collar and squeezing her neck, basically suffocating the poor girl. I tried so hard to tear them apart but they kept jerking away from me. I felt awful. I didn't realize Abby was suffocating until her tongue turned PURPLE and her eyes became extremely bloodshot. I was terrified and felt helpless. FINALLY I was able to take the leash of their collars. Poor, sweet sweet Abby ran away from Willie while I sat there sobbing. I know, I am dramatic. :oP
Well Willie went straight into his kennel and Abby is fine now, albeit bloody eyes which concerns Mom and I. She had some water and rest at least and seems fine now.
Now for Willie!!!!! Not just this time, he has attacked her lots and lots of times. For no reason. None at all. And these past few weeks he has been peeing multiple times (!!!) on the carpet. I am so angry at him. Just because he's jealous of Abby or what, I don't really care. *sigh*
At least the sweet, sweet puppy is fine now.

The dogs seemed fine for awhile and I rollerbladed. Then suddenly (I don't know why!!!) Willie attacked Abby out of nowhere! He bit her and twisted her collar. Then he started pulling her collar and squeezing her neck, basically suffocating the poor girl. I tried so hard to tear them apart but they kept jerking away from me. I felt awful. I didn't realize Abby was suffocating until her tongue turned PURPLE and her eyes became extremely bloodshot. I was terrified and felt helpless. FINALLY I was able to take the leash of their collars. Poor, sweet sweet Abby ran away from Willie while I sat there sobbing. I know, I am dramatic. :oP
Well Willie went straight into his kennel and Abby is fine now, albeit bloody eyes which concerns Mom and I. She had some water and rest at least and seems fine now.
Now for Willie!!!!! Not just this time, he has attacked her lots and lots of times. For no reason. None at all. And these past few weeks he has been peeing multiple times (!!!) on the carpet. I am so angry at him. Just because he's jealous of Abby or what, I don't really care. *sigh*
At least the sweet, sweet puppy is fine now.
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