Sunday, April 13, 2008

It's all over....

Placing Out ended today. Was I sad? A little. But! I come bearing good news! But first, you all have to endure a slew of irrelevant pictures taken today at random. Lucky you!!

And if you're wondering about the fish....his name is Leonard!!

The good news is: this fall the older kids are doing LES MISERABLES!!! For those of you that don't know, Les Miz is my FAVORITE broadway show--and, I know alot of shows! :oP

The only issue is, I have this agonizing fear of not getting in. Sure, the odds of it are slim since heck, I've been in the theatre, devoted and focused for HALF my life--but the odds are still there and it's driving me CRAZ-AY!!!!!!!!!!!

Ah, well, if it's God's will, Les Miz here I come! :o)

1 comment:

Anna said...

Ooh, Les Mis, my favorite!! I'm glad your show went well. I hope you had a lot of fun!