I am NOT boy-crazy in any way. I like boys to an extent, I enjoy male actors and I call them "cute" from now on and I've had a few crushes here and there. But mostly, for now at least, I just like 'em as friends. Because I don't think a relationship between two eighth-graders will last. You're just not mature enough at that age to carry on a healthy, serious relationship. And it always ends it heartbreak. What's the use of that? Other then to be "cool", what's the purpose?
And you know what? It doesn't affect the future and I know that because Anna and Jeremy are each other's first and only partner. Period. I love you, Anna and Jeremy! :0)
Secondly, I believe another factor is the fact that I don't talk. I mean, I don't talk when an adult is trying to give us a talk or show or teach us something. I keep myself a couple steps away from the other older kids and shut my mouth. I quiet other people, but not annoyingly. I do it out of respect a little but actually a major factor is fear. I have such kind, patient parents that almost never even raise their voices slightly and I'm simply not used to adults getting angry and it scares me! Even if those adults as CTE aren't ever yelling directly at me I still feel uncomfortable and, quite frankly, scared. It's wierd but true!
So I guess I just needed to vent for awhile. But I do have happy news! First off, I am in a new musical which will give me something to think about especially because I have lines and singing to practice. And finally, after much badgering (LoL!) my Mom has finally consented to let me buy my own parakeet! Whoo! I want this kind and color:

Happy Superbowl Night!
1 comment:
Yeah, you can't. Remember Jazzy? We thought he was a girl until about two weeks before we sold him. Imagine the humiliation of being thought of as 'Jasmine' for your whole life when your a male!!!
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