Suddenly I realized today, as personal as this blog is and as much as I say about ME, I've never much mentioned anyone else besides family, and Katarina and Grace. I'm thinking that should change. Anyways, this is Adam, and he's adorable. Not in that way of course. Poor guy, he's most likely about to go crazy with me constantly pinching his cheeks. Well I can't help it okay?!?! Gosh.
Anyways his family threw him a surprise party so I brought my ensues.

Current favorite picture...I adore it.
Okay; you know something is wrong when you're jealous of a 9-year-old...take a look. (Anna remember how cute you said she was?) This is my Kiki and no she's not wearing any make-up. Like I said, I'm jealous.

They're cute.

I smacked myself later for not getting a picture of him in close-up with his t-shirt that I got him. This was the best I got. It (the shirt) was pretty had the lyrics of "Little People" on it from Les Mis (cause he was Gavroche). Les Mis fans...isn't that AMAZING? I had to hand it to myself. XD

Wedding reception memories...yeah, I made Adam take that shirt off for this:

Why does Blogger do this to me?? I wanted to put me and Tati up by me and Kiki but nooooo that's not how Blogger likes to work. Grrrr...anyways, isn't she pretty? (BTW, these girls are Adam's cousins)

Enough theatre freaks. I'm watching "Schwartzkopf", my neighbor's cat, while they're on vacation. Isn't he sooo cute? He's shy but such a sweetie cat:

Tuna *licks lips*

So, yeah, as you can tell I don't have the most interesting life at the moment...but that'll all change in about a month or so. Firstly, Pinocchio starts (yayyyy!!!), plus my birthday, then it gets warm (hallejuah), then summer and more amazing things will take place that can wait to be told for now. I'm off to go watch the rest of Dark Knight for about...what is it, the seventh or eighth time since we got it for Christmas? ;p
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