I woke up and finished my schoolwork as quick as I could; then when I stepped outside I was pleasantly surprised by the gorgeous weather that I'd be trick or treating in in a few hours. Really, it was amazing!
Katarina's sister had a swim meet so she couldn't go with me, so I called some old, good friends from the theatre (like, from waaaaay back) and went with them.
Here I am, I'm Eponine from Les Mis (I know...that's a shocker, right??? ;P)

Adrianna's birthday party. My Ade. My Adey, Adey-Joy, Adey-Badey, Adgey, Adge-ish (girl of a million nicknames.) As you know, she came to us when she was five. And now...she's ten. TEN!!!!!!! Um....what?!?!?! I can hardly believe it...double digits!
Anyway! Her birthday was at a place I've been yearning to go for so long (since I got into this whole medieval-dragons-LOTR-griffon obsession) Medieval Times! It.was.AMAZING!!!! Seriously. Basically, it's a story of a kidnapped prince complete with horses, jousting knights and a real trained falcon that flew down two feet (I kid you NOT!!!) from me and Kat's head. It was an experience. If you live near one (I think they're near all the major cities) just GO! You won't regret it.
Afterwards, Ade had her own little party at her house and I went back to Kattie's house for a sleepover.
We woke up bright and early to get to Six Flag's .... closing day. :( This was a great season and I was sad to see the end of it. And, it'll be at least six months until it opens again!!! Le sigh.
But, we still had an AMAZING time. Katarina went on Raging Bull for the first time and was shaking in line and openly crying on the lift. Of course, as soon as we dropped she yelled "This is AWESOME!!!" :oP
The weekend is over and the next fun thing on my list is Thanksgiving and decorating for Christmas. Yes!!! This year has flown by and I'm constantly wondering where the time has gone.
On a sadder note, I have a feeling things won't go my way tonight. I'm panicking at the thought of my parent's hard-earned money going towards funding for killing innocent babies. Urrgghh....holding my breath.
1 comment:
Love the Halloween costume! The hat is perfect (except maybe the grommets)!! Obviously, Jeremy and I don't "do" Halloween, but if we did, Lulu would totally have been in this lobster costume I saw at Target! And don't worry your sweet head about the election.. everything will be ok. I love you!
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