Wow! What a year this was! Let's recount a little...what all did I do this year?
Firstly, the good:
- I was in 6 shows which is the most I've done in 1 year, EVER : Mulan, Placing Out, Mega-hits, Broadway Bound, Les Mis and Willy Wonka.
- I dyed my hair temporarily black for Mulan, I was a lead orphan for the premiere of Placing Out - I was the first Molly ever!
- I sang Goodnight my someone in Broadway Bound which was lots of fun.
- Then I did my favoritest show in the entire world-Les Mis-and got a small solo in it no less!!! Then in Willy Wonka I played my friend's mother and got very...very...very attached to that specific person in real life. Just ask him. ;p
- I think I really improved my relationship with God this year. I realized what matters in life and tried to apply that to my life. I've been trying extremely hard to cut down on things that are not God-glorifying, like gossiping. I'm actually happier then I've ever been doing/not doing all that.
- I saw my new second-fave movie - The Dark was nothing short of amazing!
- Katarina and I became besties, though we were good friends before, this year we've really gotten close.
- I became obsessed with broadway musicals. I've always loved them but I as of earlier this year, I canNOT live without them!!! My current obsession is Urinetown (it's amazing! Despite its name LOL) of course Les Mis will always be my favorite though ;)
- American Eagle is my new favorite coaster at SFGAm - and I finally conquered Raging Bull! For a coaster nerd like me these are pretty big accomplishments :)
Now for the bad...
- The Car Accident, which deserves capital letters. Definitely the worst experience of my life and DEFINITELY not something I want to go through again!!!
- I was really angry that I didn't get a solo/duet in Mega-hits but in the end realized my talent doesn't belong to ME it belongs to GOD so who am I to judge? Although I still wish I had done Joseph with Rising Star instead. I could've rekindled friendships from Mulan and been in one of my fave shows ever! Grrrr...
- Even though I got closer to God I did and said some pretty sinful things that I'll always regret.
- I'm pretty sure I know what heartbreak is now. *sigh*
Happily though, the good overrules the bad and 2008 ended up being pretty darn amazing. I'm ready for 2009... As for resolutions, I don't have many.
I've improved myself spiritually and personally so much this year I don't think I can ask much more of myself next year, I just want to maintain my status.
One thing of course is driver's ed. AHH HELP ME! I'm terrified! Please God don't let me crash! (I know what it's like and Thankyouverymuch! :P)
I'd also like to get through my CTE graduation withOUT crying on stage. This is going to be a big challenge for me. I've been in CTE since I was 7 - that's more then half my life! But I'm really hoping I can do it!
Here's what I WANT to do:
Help out with the Yellow group instead of being in the summer show. I think I'll have more fun that way.
Try out for some sort of professional show, or America's Got Talent (depends but I'm definitely trying to do one of those things)
Lose a little weight. Mainly getting rid of that muffin top (tummy fat) so I can feel better about myself.
Just make it through 2009 in one piece, happy and healthy!
Anways...I wish you all a happy new year!!!!!! Goodbye '08...Welcome '09!!! :o)
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
31 Days of Joy
1. Christmas! It was beautiful. I got a karaoke machine, the Urinetown soundtrack, books and other good stuff :)
2. My old friend Rachel's birthday party - we saw "Yes Man" and though it was a little bad at parts it made me laugh and entertained me so that's all that really matters!!!
3. My Aunt Lisa and cousin Isabela (who is exactly my age) came for Christmas! I hadn't seen them for a year and four months!!! We had an awesome time together :)
4. On Monday Izzy and I went shopping at Woodfield, it was amazing, though I must confess that mall is so HUGE (we're talking the main mall of Chicago here, folks) I was a tad bit overwhelmed, but I got some prettiness and ate crap food so it was a good time :)
5. Making valentines for the troops at 4-H. I really feels good and I am really so grateful for their service. :)
6. Yesterday was just a lazy day, until we took Evan to the airport, then I had a fun time pretending I was going somewhere :)
7. Today to celebrate New Year's Mum and Daddy took me to Brookfield! Despite it being freezing cold, I had a reeaaally amazing time seeing the exhibits.
Well....I have pictures and some last words for 2008. It's been quite the year...recounting all that happened deserves a post all to itself...back in a minute!
2. My old friend Rachel's birthday party - we saw "Yes Man" and though it was a little bad at parts it made me laugh and entertained me so that's all that really matters!!!
3. My Aunt Lisa and cousin Isabela (who is exactly my age) came for Christmas! I hadn't seen them for a year and four months!!! We had an awesome time together :)
4. On Monday Izzy and I went shopping at Woodfield, it was amazing, though I must confess that mall is so HUGE (we're talking the main mall of Chicago here, folks) I was a tad bit overwhelmed, but I got some prettiness and ate crap food so it was a good time :)
5. Making valentines for the troops at 4-H. I really feels good and I am really so grateful for their service. :)
6. Yesterday was just a lazy day, until we took Evan to the airport, then I had a fun time pretending I was going somewhere :)
7. Today to celebrate New Year's Mum and Daddy took me to Brookfield! Despite it being freezing cold, I had a reeaaally amazing time seeing the exhibits.
Well....I have pictures and some last words for 2008. It's been quite the year...recounting all that happened deserves a post all to itself...back in a minute!
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
31 Days of Joy (6 belated :P)
1. Baking day with Katarina, her sister Kayllan, and Adrianna. It was a BLAST and really got us all in the festive spirit...not to mention the extra sugar lying around doesn't hurt either, LOL :)
Firstly, the supplies:
Every year up until '05 or '06, all of us kids would cut out sugar cookies, wait for them to bake and decorate them with frosting and sprinkles together on our big table. But, once the older sibs started to get older we stopped doing it. *sigh* But then this year I took up the tradition with my friends...who aren't party poopers ;p (JK Anna!)
Cookies before:
And cookies after:
The traditional Angry Snowman was a hit!
This may look like an Angry Gingerbread Man but nope...he's just green with envy!!! Hehe, I'm such a dork 8)
Peanut clusters:
Peanut Butter Balls: (My personal fave-thanks Rachael for the recipe!!!)
Cream Cheese Mints.
Fudge and Meringue Kisses. (They're meringues with Kisses inside....they're amazing!!!)

Austrian shortbread.

Okay, he was just finishing a yawn, but I love how it looks like he's curling his lip at me :P

AHAHAHA, I just LOVE this one!!!!!!
3. Ade came yesterday and the day before, and is coming Friday. YAY! Unforunately she is not one for the camera, much to my dismay...these were the best shots I could get of her. 

4. This space heater we have is a Godsend. The study gets FREEZING in the winter, due to the fact it's a bit detached from the rest of the house, if you know what I mean...but the space heater makes it even warmer then the other rooms. Ahhhh....
Firstly, the supplies:

Cookies before:

Austrian shortbread.
2. Willie's antics. He's such an old grouch... ;p

Okay, he was just finishing a yawn, but I love how it looks like he's curling his lip at me :P

AHAHAHA, I just LOVE this one!!!!!!
3. Ade came yesterday and the day before, and is coming Friday. YAY! Unforunately she is not one for the camera, much to my dismay...these were the best shots I could get of her.

4. This space heater we have is a Godsend. The study gets FREEZING in the winter, due to the fact it's a bit detached from the rest of the house, if you know what I mean...but the space heater makes it even warmer then the other rooms. Ahhhh....
5. Ade and I found while we were playing the snow, that the incline of our lot (not a hill by any means, but an incline nonetheless) is sled-worthy and we actually had LOTS of fun doing so!!!
6. The wrap-up of this season and how great it's been. Everything is falling into place and once I get everything wrapped, I'm ready for Christmas. I cannot believe it's TOMORROW!!!
Well, I'm off the computer until tomorrow. I need to do things other then Oregon Trail, editing photos and listening to Urinetown :P Tonight I plan to watch Return of the King (Oh. Oh the MAGIC of those movies. They deserve a post all to themselves.), play board games with Laura, (something we do every year) take a nice hot bubble bath using the chocolate-scented bubble bath Katarina gave me for Christmas, drink hot chocolate and read our Christmas books.
Goodbye and goodnight to you all...have an AMAZING Christmas!!!
P.S. love you A&J, I miss you and have a good time with Miss Lou :)
Monday, December 22, 2008
Well I'm just too tired to post my happyjoy's from the past 1,2,3, or so days...oh yeah and HAPPY ANNIVERSARY ANNA AND JEREMY!!! I love you two lots and lots!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
I hate being sick. I always have. Mom always says I used to get flat-out MAD at the world when I got sick. It's just because well, I'm not an inactive person (unathletic, however, yes ;p). So, if you haven't guessed already, I haven't posted my current happyhappyjoyjoy's since I first went under the weather. Well, this week they are 1. painkillers, to rid yourself of headaches 2. the fact that Evan is coming home in an hour and a half, YES! and 3. the horrible weather has held off so far in order for him and his ride to have a safe trip. THANK you God!!! Well, obviously I'm thrilled my big bruvver will be here...I feel more complete when he, and A&J for that matter, are here. That's me, family-oriented.
Anyways...I'm off! :-)
Anyways...I'm off! :-)
Monday, December 15, 2008
31 Days of Joy

Free sewing lessons! :) In 4-H our leader offers them. She is SUCH a sweet lady and I'm always grateful. Today we (being me and Grace and her sister Stella) made cough pillows for surgical patients, who need to cough out the bleccchhh, so they have something soft to hug (as displayed by the girls in the top photos ;p). It's such a nice idea. Anyway, with those little beauties and my camera, I snapped up a storm.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
31 Days of Joy
My dogs. My baby Abby and my little man Willie. Really, they are the sweetest puppies. As you can see below...and such cuddlebugs too. There's honestly no dogs more like human beings that I know of. Something about them...they just KNOW something you don't Ah, I love 'em.
Pics taken today with my NEW CAM! :)

Pics taken today with my NEW CAM! :)
Saturday, December 13, 2008
31 Days of Joy
The promise of a NEW CAMERA tomorrow. A digital one, that I tested at RadioShack, that has an amazing macro mode and picture clearness. I can get one now that the g-rents have sent me their Christmas checks...I'm so appreciative, and I just CANNOT wait. Lately, I've been NEEDING to take photos, since as most of you know our old one broke. The snow is so beautiful and so are the Christmas decorations. Yes!
Friday, December 12, 2008
31 Days of Joy
Today I'm happy for the fact that I've got two babysitting jobs this weekend. WOO! This way I can earn money to buy gifts for the fam, which I was worried about not being able to do before. Just in time...and hopefully (hopefully) Miss Ade will come for Christmas break...which is only a week away (yessss!) ;)
Thursday, December 11, 2008
31 Days of Joy
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
31 Days of Joy
Today's joy is music with Laura, in her car. Even though we don't always agree on music ;p we occasionally find a song we both love and dub it our "magical song". This started a looong time ago (a few years). I think I can remember them all, and I want to make a C.D. out of them, and have that be our C.D. :)
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
31 Days of Joy
Today's joys are 4-H and homeschool!
I've been having such a good time doing new things with 4-H, this year I'm trying to put the most effort I have so far into my projects. I'm really mostly excited for the project called "Passport to the world" where you find all the info you can on a specific country. Except, I'm having the WORST time deciding between Ireland and England...grrr!
Even though being homeschooled doesn't exactly make me "cool" by my peer's standards, really nothing helps me concentrate and feel cozier then sitting at the kitchen table, candles lit, schoolbooks surrounding me and the snow falling outside. Ahhhhh...
I've been having such a good time doing new things with 4-H, this year I'm trying to put the most effort I have so far into my projects. I'm really mostly excited for the project called "Passport to the world" where you find all the info you can on a specific country. Except, I'm having the WORST time deciding between Ireland and England...grrr!
Even though being homeschooled doesn't exactly make me "cool" by my peer's standards, really nothing helps me concentrate and feel cozier then sitting at the kitchen table, candles lit, schoolbooks surrounding me and the snow falling outside. Ahhhhh...
Sunday, December 7, 2008
31 Days of Joy
Today's joy is...Facebook! It's addicting of course ;oP But also because it helps me get over my lonliness of CTE friends and of course, Anna Jeremy and Evan. Of course not all my friends have facebooks but those that do, we keep in touch. And it's such a spiffy site. So many creative ideas to be funny and make each other laugh, like giving each other virtual bumper stickers and writing on each other's "wall". :D
Saturday, December 6, 2008
31 Days of Joy
Today's joy is...CHOCOLATE!!! Kattie came over and we spent the day making peanut butter balls and buttercream mints and dipping them in chocolate. There was a good amount left over so I crammed a leettle too much in my mouth and the result was well, you can guess. ;p
Friday, December 5, 2008
31 Days of Joy
Today's joy is the wonderful relaxing feeling you get when you realize it's Friday night and you don't have to get up at Too Early O'clock to shower and do schoolwork. Ahhhhhh.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
31 Days of Joy
Well, silly me forgets a mere two days after making a commitment. It's me, me, me all over. :sigh:
Anyway, today I'm joyful for my membership at Xsport and hot apple cider.
Yesterday I ran half a mile and walked fast half a mile on the treadmill. I did a mile on the elliptical (made easier to accomplish courtesy of Spongebob played on my T.V. ;p) and biked a mile and half. WOO!
And right now I'm drinking my cup of apple cider, cinnamon-y and what more should be said? :)
Anyway, today I'm joyful for my membership at Xsport and hot apple cider.
Yesterday I ran half a mile and walked fast half a mile on the treadmill. I did a mile on the elliptical (made easier to accomplish courtesy of Spongebob played on my T.V. ;p) and biked a mile and half. WOO!
And right now I'm drinking my cup of apple cider, cinnamon-y and what more should be said? :)
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
31 Days of Joy
Monday, December 1, 2008
31 Days of Joy
I'm going to post something to be joyful about every day for the whole of December. And, for a challenge I'm abandoning the obvious - Family, Friends and God.
Today I am joyful for Broadway. Broadway broadway broadway, I eat sleep and breathe it. It's my thing, where would I be without it? Les Mis, Phantom, Wicked, Urinetown, Joseph, Aida, Annie, the.list.goes.on. and on!
Today I am joyful for Broadway. Broadway broadway broadway, I eat sleep and breathe it. It's my thing, where would I be without it? Les Mis, Phantom, Wicked, Urinetown, Joseph, Aida, Annie, the.list.goes.on. and on!
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